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Junior SAT Test, Monday, March 17

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Junior SAT Test, Monday, March 17

We will be hosting the SAT here at M-A on March 17th for M-A Juniors only. 
The test will be $63 per student, and scholarships are available for any student who needs it. 
Juniors (11th Graders) who are interested in signing up will need to complete this registration form by February 14th.
Registration on the google form requires two steps: complete the registration process, and then pay on the My School Bucks using the link in the last question.  Email Ms. Rigotti with any questions or concerns.
Mid-Winter Break, February 17 through 21st
Mid-Winter Break, February 17 through 21st

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Mid-Winter Break, February 17 through 21st

There will be no school Monday, February 17th through February 21st for our Mid-Winter Break.
Classes will resume Monday, February 24th for a regular 1-7 period day.
Technological Resources for Parents and Guardians

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Technological Resources for Parents and Guardians

With our first progress report right around the corner (Friday, September 13), parents and guardians may want access to see where students need help.
Here's our short list of resources
Below is an instructional video on how to navigate Canvs.
Upcoming Events

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